Smart Fit and Sporty All-Rounder Heart Rate Activity Monitoring Fitness Watch

Smart Fit and Sporty All-Rounder Heart Rate Activity Monitoring Fitness Watch

Regular price $246.21

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Smart Fit and Sporty All-Rounder  Heart Rate Activity Monitoring Fitness Watch..  Simple to wear, simple to operate..

Once all the required profile is set up initially, wear it and forget to let the the watch do it's job. Just keep the watch charged every 48 hours. The Smart Fit and Sporty HR as it is called, is the newest edition of Heart Rate Monitor Fitness Watch, with improved Bluetooth connection and Caller Id notification for the incoming call. We have APPs available on Apple iTunes and Android Google Play. The watch is fully compatible with any smartphone with  Apple or Android systems.

Smart Fit and Sporty Heart Rate Activity Monitoring Fitness Watch.. It comes with USB Clip style charger, no need to remove the watch from the band to charge.